The very first sight you see in the larger homes some eight to ten years ago, very rhythmic and small birds with a mixtures of black and pale brown color flying around chirping around you, our very own FARMER's FRIEND, seems to be missing from the day to day life of Indians, which was the most common sight is now a very rare sight. if you have not realized this situation then check your surroundings, the small guys are missing, well very sad scene isn't, well its true the HOUSE SPARROW(passer domesticus), as it is commonly know is now reduced to mere 10% of its numbers what was there back a decade ago.
The excessive radiation caused by the cellular phone towers is the prime reason for the falling numbers of these small birds, as these have adapted living in the areas where human habitation is more, the direct effect of the cellular radiation has fallen on these poor birds.There are various causes for dramatic decrease in their population, one of the more surprising being the introduction of unleaded petrol, the combustion of which produces compounds such as methyl nitrite, a compound which is highly toxic for small insects, which forms a major part of a young sparrow’s diet. Other being areas of free growing weeds, or reduction in number of badly maintained buildings, which are important nesting opportunities for sparrows. Ornithologists and wildlife experts speculate that the population crash could also be linked to a variety of factors like the lack of nesting sites in modern concrete buildings, disappearing kitchen gardens, increased use of pesticides in farmlands and the non- availability of food sources. Well the radiation being prime reason behind this disaster, other reasons include,
- rise of temperatures across the globe.
- excessive abuse of the fertilizers and insecticides.
- microwave pollution.
- change in the architecture of houses
They are vanishing from many big cities, but are still not uncommon in small towns and villages. India has seen a massive decline of sparrows in recent years. On the world map too. Once a commonplace bird in large parts of Europe, its numbers are decreasing. In the Netherlands, the House Sparrow is even considered an endangered species. Their recent decline has earned them a place on the Red List in the Netherlands. Similar precipitous drops in population have been recorded in the United Kingdom. French ornithologists have charted a steep decline in Paris and other cities. There has been an even sharper fall in the urban areas in Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Italy and Finland
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